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ITEMs 2019 - Workshop on Information Technology, Economics and Management

21 Febbraio 2019

Un workshop congiunto tra il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e il Dipartimento di Economia e Management sulla relazione tra ICT, management delle imrpese e trasformazione digitale.



9.00    Institutional greetings
Nicoletta De Francesco -  Deputy Rector University of Pisa
Silvio Bianchi Martini - Head of Department of Economics and Management
Giuseppe Anastasi - Head of Department of Information Engineering
9.30    IoT and BigData
Chair: Silvio Bianchi Martini, DEM

Additive Technologies for Traceability and Anti-Counterfeiting - Simone Geovesi, DII
The actors behind the RFID technology: from the manufacturers to the consumers - Paolo Nepa, DII
Future Internet of Things systems based on Cloud/Fog computing technologies: business opportunities and challenges - Carlo Vallati, DII
Stance Detection and Opinion Mining based on Tweet Analysis - Francesco Marcelloni, DII
The opportunities of IoT and 5G in value production: looking beyond the startups - Stefano Giordano, DII
10.30    E-Health and Smart Cities
Chair: Federica De Santis, DEM

Organs-on-Chip: a new model for drug development - Giuseppe Barillaro, DII
Co-creation of Open Source Medical Devices: from the management of intellectual property to new business opportunities - Carmelo De Maria, DII
Wearable sensors and systems for e-health: research and opportunities - Alessandro Tognetti, DII
The importance of being smart. Cities at the forefront of disaster risk management - Vincenzo Zarone, DEM
11.30    Coffee Break

12.00      Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Autonomous Systems
Chair: Riccardo Giannetti, DEM

Business opportunities and challenges in the era of Automated, Connected, Electrified & Shared (ACES) mobility - Sergio Saponara, DII
Soft Robotics - Societal and Industrial Impact - Manolo Garabini, DII
Advanced Physical Human-Machine Interaction and Augmented Reality - Matteo Bianchi, DII
Machine learning for customer care and risk management - Claudia Presti and Federica De Santis, DEM
Designing Robo-advisors as commitment devices - Caterina Giannetti, DEM
13.00     Managing the Digital Transformation
Chair: Giuseppe Anastasi, DII

Emotions and Feelings in the Robots Decision Making Process - Danilo De Rossi and Lorenzo Cominelli,  DII
Digitizing and Innovate European Industries through multi-disciplinarity: An exploration of the multi-sectoral cooperation within the Tetramax Project -  Alfredo Antonino Scarfò, Giovanna Mariani, Luca Fanucci, DEM and DII
Assessing organizational Cybersecurity Preparedness - Federico Niccolini, DEM
Mind the (digital) gap: evaluating strategies for the development of digital competencies - Federica De Santis, Alessandra Rigolini, Claudia Presti, DEM
Changing Cost and Performance Management Systems (CPMS) to enable business Servitization and improve competitiveness of Italian manufacturing SMEs - Lino Cinquini, Riccardo Giannetti, Mario Rapaccini, DEM
Big Data e Analytics: profili di controllo manageriale, organizzativi e giuridici - Nicola Castellano, DEM