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IIOT events at ISCAS2018

27 Maggio 2018

Events in the framework of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2018)


Tutorial Smart Circuit and System Solutions for Autonomous/Connected Vehicles

May 27

Sergio Saponara, University of Pisa

Abstract: The tutorial will focus on recent advances in circuits and systems for new generations of vehicles, with driver-assisted/autonomous capability, and smart mobility systems. The social and economic impact of the smart transportation field is huge since every year 90 millions of vehicles are sold worldwide and 1.25 millions of people are killed due to lack of safety. In US 3.1 billions of gallons of fuel are wasted each year due to traffic congestion. Assisted driving, and in the near future autonomous driving, will increase safety, and will enable intelligent management of traffic flows. Key enabling technologies for this scenario are the circuits and systems for vehicles’ context-awareness (not only video cameras but also Radar and Lidar), for V2X (vehicle to everything) communication and networking, for cm-accurate vehicle positioning and navigation, and for on-bard data fusion and processing in real-time and with high functional safety levels.  The interest in this research subject is demonstrated by the huge investments of companies like Google, Intel, Tesla, Ford, Uber, VW,… and by technology alliances between BMW and Intel, which recently has acquired Mobileye, and by NVIDIA, Bosch and Audi, planning autonomous BMW and Audi cars by 2021. A convergence between automotive industry and ICT/Electronics industry is foreseen in the near future. An example of this convergence is the 5G Automotive Association, which includes all main cars’ manufacturers, telecom service providers, and semiconductor/electronic industry.

As prerequisite the audience should have basic knowledge in the field of Circuits and Systems and of ICT engineering, and this prerequiste is typically satifisfed by people (students, young researchers, professors, professional engineers, R&D engineer and manager from industry) attending an IEEE conference like ISCAS, which is sponsored by the Circuits and System Society.

The target audience of this talk are students, researchers, professors, engineers and managers from industry, that want to be updated on recent trends and advances in the field of smart vehicles and smart mobility. The tutorial will focus mainly on circuits and systems.

Such themes are of high interest for people operating in the electronics and ICT engineering field. As matter of fact, all main electronics and ICT companies worlwide, are investing in circuits and systems solutions for driver-assisted/autonomous vehicles and smart mobility.

There is is still lot of work to do in terms of research and development for autonomous vehicles and smart mobilities/cities in different circuits and systems topics (HPC and high safety-level circuits for automotive computing and memory, communication and networking circuits, sensor acquisition & signal processing, advanced control systems, power electronics). Therefore, there is a lot of interest not only from industry, but also from students, researchers and people from academia.


Special Session: Cross-layer Optimization of Circuits & Systems for Energy-efficient, Functional-safe & Secure Session

May 30

Chairs: Sergio Saponara and Andy Wu